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Registration opens for 13th ASFAA Congress 2014!


As decided at the 21st ASFAA Extraordinary General Assembly in Enschede, the Netherlands, the 13th ASFAA Congress will place in Bali, Indonesia and hosted by Asiania Kungfu, Dragon & Lion Dance (Dragon Boat) Federation with the support of TAFISA and the Bali Government.

The date of the Congress is now finalized as 9 – 13 October with Grand Bali Beach Hotel & Spa, Sanur Beach, Bali chosen as the official hotel for the Congress. 

The theme of this year Congress is “Designing to Move for Active Tourism”, which is ideally fitting for the host city as Bali is regarded as one of the more popular tourist destinations in the region. As reflected in the theme, the Congress aims to explore the synergistic relationship between Recreation, Sport and Tourism; and at the same time, recognizing the importance of the “Design to Move” initiative in its action agenda and objectives, the theme also ties in with the aim to encourage discussions on the followings:

  • Broader Understanding of Sports Tourism – Beyond the Big Events
  • Using Tourism to Create Early Positive Experiences in Sport for All and Physical Activity.
  • Sports Tourism – Designing for Success
  • Designing Sport for All Legacy and Major Sports Events
  • Marketing Sport for All Tourism
  • Spaces and Places – Designing a Sport for All friendly Environments for Tourists
  • Through the collaborative efforts of the organizing committee and ASFAA, together with the full support of TAFISA, we are proud to present a rich Congress programme with keynote addresses and paper presentations to be given by renowned scholars and speakers from all over the world. Moreover, it is also the aim of ASFAA to create a lively and interactive platform of exchange not only on the academic elements but also to share together the social and cultural traditions through the various social activities included. Please refer to the Congress website for full details of the programme.

    Registration is now open! Delay no further and reserve a place at the Congress by registration online via the Congress website or through the completion of the registration form and return to the Congress Secretariat. Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues and other interested people and organisations in your network. Registration details, participation fees and hotel information can be found on the Congress website.

    We look forward to welcoming you to the 13th ASFAA Congress 2014 in the beautiful Bali!

    Additional information:

    Contact: Ripka Widjaja, Congress Secretary 

    Email address: asfaabali14@gmail.com

    Congress website: http://www.asfaacongressbali2014.com/


    JULY 2014


    Registration opens for 13th ASFAA Congress 2014!
