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The 15th Asiania Sport for All Association (ASFAA) Congress ‘Achieving “Sport for All” through Olympic Education’


The 15th ASFAA Congress, organized by the Asiania Sport for All Association and hosted by the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC) was held on 22-24 June 2018 at the Lecture Theatre of Olympic House of Hong Kong. The Congress successfully attracted over 200 participants which include more than 60 overseas guests and 160 local participants. 

The 15th ASFAA Congress aims to expand participants’ horizons and better promote a sporting culture in Hong Kong and the Asian & Oceania region through Olympic Education. Like-minded people coming from over 20 countries / cities gathered together in the Lecture Theatre of the Olympic House to attend the Opening Ceremony officiated by: Mr. PUN Weng Kun, President of Asiania Sport For All Association (ASFAA) ; Mr. Timothy FOK, GBS, JP, President of Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of HK, China; Dr. Juho CHANG, President of The Association For International Sport for All (TAFISA); Ms. Ida LEE, JP, Acting Director of Leisure and Cultural Services Department; Mr. YEUNG Tak Keung, JP, Commissioner for Sport of Home Affairs Bureau; Mr. MA Fung Kwok, SBS, JP, Legislative Councillor; Mr. Ronnie WONG, JP, Hon. Secretary General of SF&OC; and Mr. WONG Po Kee, MH, Chairperson of the 15th ASFAA Congress Organizing Committee.

The Congress invited six prominent Speakers and all of them had delivered their speeches in the 2-day Congress. The Speakers were namely, Mr. Wolfgang BAUMANN (Secretary General of TAFISA) ; Professor REN Hai (Professor, Beijing Sports University, China) ; Mr. Finn BERGGREN (President of Gerlev PE & Sports Academy, Denmark) ; Professor Yasuo YAMAGUCHI (Professor, Kobe University, Japan) ; Mrs. Rakafet ARIELI (Clinical and Sport Dietitian, Sports Medicine Centre, Israel) ; and Professor Keith GEORGE (Professor, Liverpool John Moores University, UK).

Other than spreading wisdoms and delivering speeches, the Congress also arranged attractive booths and amazing sport demonstrations for participants, including rope skipping and uni-cycle performances.

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The 54th ASFAA Board Meeting was successfully held to promote the development of Sport for All in Asia



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