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First TAFISA CLC in India


Hosted by Shree Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal (HVPM - Premier Institute of Physical Education & Sports) the first TAFISA Certified Leadership Course took place in Amravati, India, October 2- 6, 2012. With 30 students participating from all over India, the CLC can be considered a milestone in the history of TAFISA as it also opened a door for future joint activities in India.

The CLC was on the initiative of Dr. S.H. Deshpande and his team who professionally organized the event and made it an unforgettable experience for the participants. The program included lectures, group work and discussion tables and concluded with an oral examination and certificate. The event was not all work and no play, as there was also some time for sightseeing and social programs. TAFISA was represented by Dato Sarjit Singh (Malaysia), A.K. Saha (India) and Wolfgang Baumann (Germany).

As the result of the successful CLC, it is expected that there will presumably be three more CLCs in India next year. Moreover, the Amravati Institute, again under the leadership of Dr. Deshpande, will be the venue of the Global Conference on Traditional Physical Cultures, Sports and Games taking place in January 15 – 17, 2013. The event is under the patronage of ICSSPE and TAFISA.

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