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Sport as strategy, opportunities for all


After seven months of consultation with some 2500 people from the public, private and people sectors, the Vision 2030 Committee released its preliminary recommendations on how sport can be a key strategy to serve Singapore. The recommendations call for more opportunities and access for Singaporeans to play more sports in school, the community and the workplace. Sports capabilities will also be enhanced to support the anticipated growth in quantity and quality of sports programmes. 

The Vision 2030 Committee is now seeking further input from the Public-Private-People sectors to review the 19 preliminary recommendations resulting from more than 300 ideas generated through the engagement process. Over the next three months, the committee will continue to engage all segments of society to finalise the recommendations on how sport can be used as a national strategy. 
Revealing the preliminary recommendations, Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Mr. Chan Chun Sing said, "In meeting and talking with people, the consensus became clear. Sport can be a national strategy to shape our future, whether we are promoting physical, mental and psychological wellbeing; creating strong leaders with drive and confidence; developing a winning spirit; or uniting us as a nation. It provides many practical, teachable moments."

Based on face-to-face discussions with more than 500 people and comments from 2000 unique users on vision2030.sg, the Vision 2030 Committee took a targeted approach to tackle fundamental challenges faced in school, the community and the workplace. The Committee believes the recommendations will improve access for all to quality sports programming. This will begin the process of change that will eventually see Singapore reaping the full benefits of sports.

Acting Minister Chan added, "It may take some years to feel the full impact of these changes. It is critical that we lay the foundation now with the end goal in mind - to live better through sports. Through the opportunities created under V2030, we hope people will participate actively in sport, and in the process, become happier individuals, stronger leaders, more active community contributors or proud citizens."

See more for details in www.ssc.gov.sg

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