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Australian Minister for Sport encourages children to get active


Minister for Sport Mark Arbib and Labor Senator for Tasmania Carol Brown recently visited Rosetta Primary School to encourage school children to have an active lifestyle, as part of the Australian Government's Active After-school Communities (AASC) program.
"Rosetta Primary School first became involved in the AASC program in 2005 and was one of the first schools to give children the chance to be more active," Senator Arbib said.
"The AASC program is designed to establish links between schools, out of school hour care services and local sporting organisations."
"More than 30 children from the school attend each session. Rosetta Primary offers a variety of sport programs including soccer, hockey, croquet, AFL, touch, football, karate, tennis, cricket, golf, basketball, netball, softball, circus skills and aerobics."
Senator Carol Brown said by developing a love of sport at a young age Tasmania children would enjoy the benefits of healthy and active lifestyles for years to come.
"By consistently delivering the program and incorporating a range of sports, Rosetta Primary School has helped to increase the physical activity levels of its students and encouraged many to go on and join sports clubs," Senator Carol Brown said.
"The AASC would not happen without the support of dedicated locals, including Carol Ayers who has supervised more than 370 AASC sessions since 2005."
Tasmania's Northern Suburbs Junior Soccer Association coach Shane Revell guided the children through a range of modified soccer games to entice children to become active and join the Association's local team Rosetta Knights Junior Soccer Club.
"Our association consists of 10 clubs that service the local community including the Rosetta area," Mr Revell said.
"We have been involved in the AASC program for three months and find it is a great way to recruit members for our junior competitions."
The AASC program is an Australian Government initiative in up to 3270 schools and out of school care centres across Australia. The Government provides about $43 million a year for the program to boost children's participation in sport.
Each term, up to 190,000 children participate in up to 70 different sports and 20 structured physical activities after school.

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