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TAFISA Sports Club for Health (SCforH) – Concluding Symposium, 6.-8.2.2011, Vantaa, Finland


The SCforH program was initiated by Tafisa in 2007. Thereafter, the program has proceeded in partnership with HEPA Europe program and for the year 2010 it received funding by the DG Education and Culture (EU Sport Unit). This Symposium relates to DG Education and Culture funded time, during which the SCforH program has had two fundamental aims:

1. to elaborate further the evidence-based guidelines for sports clubs all over Europe to start developing health enhancing physical activity (HEPA) programs as a part of their sporting activities and
2. to evolve networking between various actors in the area of HEPA and in the light of SCforH concept.
This Symposium is the final point of the EU Sport Unit funded SCforH-program. The Symposium is open to everybody interested in the SCforH program (cost price basis). The aims of the concluding Symposium are:

1. to present the work done under each work package
2. to establish a draft version of the 2.0 updated SCforH Guidelines
3. to receive contributions of other parties about the SCforH program and SCforH Guidelines
4. to elaborate networking and future working under the SCforH program

For more information please contact eerika.laalo-haikio@kunto.fi This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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