$400,000 to Develop More Australian Women Leaders in Sport
The Australian Government through the Australian Sports Commission and the Office for Women are encouraging women from across all levels of sport to apply for a share of $400,000 to pursue training and development in coaching, officiating, governance and management.
ASC CEO Mark Peters said the grants scheme recognises that Australian sport stands to benefit from a greater number of women in leadership and decision-making roles. 'The grants scheme provides chances for women to pursue accredited training in key areas of Australian sport including high performance coaching, officiating and management, where they tend to be under-represented,' Mr Peters said.
'The grants also maintain a commitment to those women and sporting organisations in regional Australia, with more than 50 per cent of the grants being distributed to support the skills development and capacity building of regional sporting communities.'
'The programme has to date assisted more than 15,500 women from across Australia, with more than $2 million in Australian Government grants, to develop women's sport leadership skills and training.' Grants are available in five key areas: high performance coaching and officiating; Indigenous women; women in disability sport; women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and women in general sport leadership. Funding of up to $5,000 is available to successful individual applicants, and up to $10,000 for approved organisations.