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New paradigm of citizens participatory sports will be presented


The 4th Busan World TreX-Game will be held in Busan next September in the theme of 'Harmony of tradition and future for global peace and prosperity'.

As 2008 Busan World TreX-Games is sponsored by TAFISA, most member states of TAFISA will participate in this event. Sports for all based on the traditional sports of each country have long history and human race have accumulated friendship through them. This is why TAFISA holds world festival of traditional and games every 4th year by collecting traditional sports of each country.

Moreover, TAFISA keeps close cooperation with IOC and WHO to promote health of human race and to maintain global peace.

Adding New sports(e-sports, X-sports) to the traditional sports of each country, Busan Games will be held most magnificently among the games which have been held thus far.

Expected to be held in the form of demonstration and match to provide citizen with opportunity of personal participation, Busan Games will present new paradigm in the history of sports in the 21st century. Our life and health are seriously intimidated by the rapid environmental change surrounding human race such as atmospheric contamination and emergence of new disease.

TAFISA and international sports organization continue profound scholastic research to develop diverse programs for physical activity of human race. In this sense, 2008 Busan World TreX-Games will provide important opportunity to maintain the health of human race, defeat disease and understand diverse cultures.

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