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The 20th TAFISA World Congress


Argentina, through it’s sport organization A.M.U.D.E.R.A., and after several years, welcomes once again the Sport for all spirit and its great ideal. For the first time ever in Latin America, the argentine capital city, Buenos Aires, will be hosting this important event. 

On behalf of the whole Pan American sports community, we invite you to become a part of this magnificent movement that will most certainly fill you with joy and above all, will introduce a concept of constant activity, that will lead to a healthy life for all world communities. Are you wondering when you will have the opportunity to attend this event? The congress will take place in the city of Buenos Aires through September 25th to September 30th 2007, in one of the most prestigious hotels within Buenos Aires Down town. The main theme of the congress will be "Sport for all and world active cities and communities". 

We expect, that throughout this congress, a profound cultural change will take place in every community, and will make them realize the benefits that sports and any kind of physical activity can have on everyday life. As more and more people practice sports, they will be happier, healthy and they will find themselves cooperating and interacting with a large group of individuals with similar goals. This will motivate communication, cultural exchange, relationships and respect, which most community’s lack of. 

We, organizers, have already experienced, in our own country, all that has been mentioned before and after years of hard work we have achieved Argentina’s involvement in one of TAFISA’s main events. Due to this, the argentine authorities have once again a special interest in the Sports for All movement and are willing to promote this congress. This is why we offer you this unique opportunity in which you may learn new ways and techniques, on how to bring to your community the possibility of a healthy life throughout sports or physical activities.

This congress will be an excellent opportunity that you shouldn’t miss allowing you to become a fan of this international movement. All this, along with constant feedback and flow of information from TAFISA to the world and from every active city to TAFISA, will create a Sport for all network that will unite regions, cultures like no other ideal has achieved before. 

Other themes that will be approached during the congress:

  • Sports and music as a way to promote peace and cooperation
  • Sport for all as a way of achieving welfare and social inclusion
Congress fees

  • TAFISA member EURO 850
  • Non TAFISA member EURO 950
  • Accompanying person EURO 800

The congress fee covers accommodation in a five star hotel within Buenos Aires city downtown. It also covers the cost of participation in all congress sessions including the opening ceremony, transportation to/from the airport, the congress documentations and writing material, coffee breaks.

The fees will be payable by credit card or bank transfer. Payment must be accompanied by the registration form. The registration form will be available before the end of 2006.

Main partners (up to date)

  • Argentine Olympic committee
  • International Olympic committee
  • WHO
  • Argentine national government
  • Argentine national sports secretary
  • Argentine national tourism secretary
  • Argentine national health ministry
  • Argentine national education ministry
  • Buenos Aires education ministry

Sponsors Organizing committee

  • Prof. Rodolfo N. Valgoni (Tafisa board member)
  • Prof. Edgardo Zavatarelli (sport for all specialist)
  • Lic. Nicolás Valgoni (Business college degree, marketing and communication responsible)

Preliminary Program

Tuesday September 25th 2007

  • Arrivals and registration

Wednesday September 26th 2007

  • Opening ceremony, sessions, board meeting, gala dinner
  • Contest winners first presentation (information on second newsletter "An idea to adopt")

Thursday September 27th 2007

  • Panel debates
  • Contest winners second presentation (information on second newsletter "An idea to adopt")
  • Continental meetings

Friday September 28th 2007

  • Sightseeing Activities

Saturday September 29th 2007

  • Sessions·
  • Contest winners third presentation (information on second newsletter "An idea to adopt")
  • Continental meetings
  • Afternoon off, tourism
  • Gala dinner, farewell activities

Sunday September 30th 2007

  • TAFISA general assembly
  • Closing ceremony
  • Departure of delegates
  • Tourism (optional)

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